One thing I will never lay claim to is being any sort of pseudo-psychologist or counselor, a giver of deeply personal advice & explorer of hidden issues. That's because I've been blessed to know people who are gifted & trained in such matters ~ ~ Mark Carlson, Kevyn Malloy, Kim Vargas, to name a few ~ ~ and recognize the chasm between them & an interested friend.
So, I am left contemplating if it's commonplace for the truly older to look back with curiosity at earlier moments in their life, at roads not take, at choices made. It's something I've experienced with some grannie clients, something I experienced with my own mother. Not a matter of regrets for their lives, just a realization that things could have turned out so very different from the way they did, a desire to consider the sweet "What if..?" rather than harbor a regretful "If only..."
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