Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Zapped awake last night, jarred out of sleep by two words - mission statement

Lay there, wide awake, for over an hour, thinking about - of all things - our local high school's senior class.  Right about now, each senior is working on composing a personal mission statement. 

I've long envied them that assignment, one that was decades away back in 1970. How many of us graduated without once pausing to question, to ponder what truly mattered to us, where we were headed, and why?  Today's students are blessed - studies indicate that those who ask & answer those questions tend to get the most out of life.

As the clock ticked toward 4 a.m., struck me what an invaluable activity composing personal mission statements would be for MY seniors, the sun shining behind them on life's journey.  Their present journey is just as daunting & challenging & promising as the one they faced as youngsters.

Sleep was impossible as I imagined the impact of my older friends making the time to question, ponder who they truly are in this present moment, what they experience as their here  & now authentic selves, examining what they embrace as current life values, what do they love, and what do they want to express?  With each passing moment, each tick tock, realized how priceless writing a personal mission statement could prove in feeling more stable in what can feel like shifting ground, more focused in what can feel a disoriented, disrupting existence.  

Too many older people - especially those edging into their 80s, 90s - seem to feel it's time to stamp Mission Accomplished on their life. Not so!  Their missions are FAR from accomplished.  Every person is meant to live a life that has active value to its final day.  But that's not going to be possible for folks ready to throw in the towel, to call it quits.  Instead, it's time for them to straighten up & fly right, to find their inner truth & live as full throttle as possible from it! 

Earlier, I alluded to the sun setting behind my older friends.   By pondering & answering the questions that go into writing a personal mission statement, by composing their own, by expressing it through their daily actions, they can become stronger, more empowered. Each can make sure the sun is warm on their back as it lights up the sky before them in a great, glorious, long-lingering sunset. 

(What an exciting, uplifting, life-changing enhancing enriching
project to pull from vision into reality!)

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